We're removing 3rd-party login from Mate

It's one of those risky decisions that can have major blowback. 10,000 of our users have been relying on Google or Facebook accounts to sign into their Mate Accounts.

Nevertheless, we decided to pull third-party login methods from all Mate apps. Starting from February 15, 2020, you will only be able to use your Mate Account in an old-school yet better-working way—with an email and password as your credentials.

We are trying to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone who used Google or Facebook to create a Mate Account. Most users have already received an email where we kindly ask you to set a password. If you haven't gotten it yet, it's on the way and you'll get it in the next few days.

After you set your password, you'll be able to sign in with your email address. If you don't set a new password by February 15, no problem–your data will stay intact. You can go back to the new account email and set a password at any time.

We apologize for any temporary inconvenience. Trust us—in the long run this decision will benefit both us as devs and you as users greatly.

Why are we doing this?

  1. Privacy. In light of recent data scandals that mostly involved Facebook and increasing consciousness of people around the world about what companies do with their data, we don't want to keep Facebook/Google SDKs in our apps anymore. They're proprietary and we're uncomfortable with not knowing what information they're collecting.
  2. Maintenance. Sign-in SDKs are frequently updated. Sometimes they just stop working if we fail to update them on time. We want to keep things simple. Our native sign-in will always work.

Note on privacy

We value your privacy. We've never cowardly hidden our Privacy Policy in fine print. On the contrary, we're proud that it's concise, transparent, and written in friendly language. Your Mate Account's credentials are stored in a hashed format, so no one (not even us) can read them.

If you have any questions, check out our Help Center or message us at support@matetranslate.com.