Tokens is getting acquired

To our beloved iOS and macOS developer community – Tokens will no longer be a Gikken product starting from next week. It's not shutting down. It will stay fully operational and hopefully will become an even more polished product. Adam Yarnold of MetaVentures acquires it.

It feels a bit awkward. After all, it's been just slightly over a year since we released a fully-revamped version that enjoyed mesmerezing reception from the developer community. A hard decision that we think is best for Gikken –  focus all our energy, resources, and time on one thing that's performing the best and showing the best potential for becoming a big business – Mate Translate – our flagship product.

We didn't want to merely shut Tokens down as we know how valuable you find it. Tokens has been enjoying the love from app developers, marketers, and customer support fellows for the long 7 years. You, guys, generate hundreds of thousands of codes every month that help you acquire more subscribers or build better relationships with existing customers. We couldn't simply take that away.

We spent the last 2 months trying to find a successor who would share our view on privacy, great design, and the importance of community. We're happy that our paths crossed with Adam. He's ramping up his portfolio of SaaS products for app developers and considers Tokens a good fit. He bets big on the importance of Tokens in App Store's future with third-party payment methods.

So what's next?

We'll transfer the ownership to Adam next week. There's absolutely nothing that will change for you. We'll transfer your subcription to Adam's Paddle account. App auto updates will keep functioning. All links and the Mac app will stay intact.

It was a deal-breaker for us that the successor is big on privacy just like we are. Once the handover is through, we'll remove all Tokens-related data from our servers. Adam will ensure to follow the high security standard we've set for Tokens.

We'll keep assisting Adam for the next two months until his team gets comfortable with supporting our code base and App Store Connect's API, so they can guarantee fast response in case of issues.

Thanks everyone for being Gikkeans! And many thanks to dozens of people who helped us shaping it to what it has become.

Team Gikken 💜